Allah the Almighty has elevated human beings, whom He has created as the most honorable of creatures, above all other beings, and appointed the human being as the caliph on earth. The fact that humans are superior beings is due to the qualities and blessings Allah the Almighty has bestowed upon them. In the Holy Qur’an, it is explicitly stated that human beings have been exalted above other beings and equipped with the means to lead an honorable life (Isra, 17:70). Human beings, with their superior material and spiritual qualities in their creation, have attained the status of being the caliphs of Allah the Almighty, on earth and the bearers of His trust.

Due to the exceptional value that Allah the Almighty places on human beings, He has deemed their faith, lives, property, offspring, honor, and dignity inviolable. He (swt) considers the unlawful taking of one human life as tantamount to the extermination of all humanity, and conversely, saving one human life as meritorious as saving the lives of all human beings (Ma’idah, 5:32). Human beings, who are the most cherished beings in the universe, are obliged to safeguard their lives, as emphasized in the Quranic verse, “Do not take a human life—made sacred by Allah” (Isra, 17:33). In Islam, life is considered the greatest blessing and trust given by Allah. For this reason, murder and suicide, which are considered as failing to protect Allah’s trust, are forbidden.

Human beings, who have always been required to coexist with each other throughout human history, currently face violations of the right to life in many regions of the world. In these circumstances, it is incumbent upon human beings to comprehend and apply the principles of Islam concerning the right to life and to honor the sacred trust of life that Allah has conferred upon them.

We are pleased to present this issue of Diyanet Journal to our readers on the topic of “The Right to Life”. Prof. Dr. Ibrahim Halil Karslı, who emphasizes the inherent value of all human beings regardless of race, language, color, gender, or age, contributes to our agenda column with his article titled “The Right to Life”. Furthermore, Julien Drolon, widely recognized for being the voice of many reverts from various countries and cultures through his documentary “Freedom”, shares his journey of embracing Islam in our “Revert Stories” column. Finally, in the “Let’s Talk” column, we conduct an interview with Prof. Dr. Nevzat Tarhan, exploring the contemporary understanding of the right to life and the considerations needed to respect the right to life of others in our society. As Diyanet Journal, we wholeheartedly present this new issue to our esteemed readers, aspiring to a world characterized by peace, tranquility, and tolerance.

